VgBgm Free Noncommercial Audio License

VGBGM Free Noncommercial License:

This is a copy of the free license agreement offered for certain tracks on Each audio item you download from the music library is bound by these terms. You are not permitted to use any audio hosted on in your projects you do not own a license for.

The tl;dr:

This license grants you the right to use the downloaded audio in an unlimited number of non-commercial projects. Rule of thumb for what is or isn’t a commercial project: If you receive money for it: we receive money for it.

You are required to credit the author of the work (if listed) and/or in your game/project credits.

You may modify or edit the audio in whatever way suits your project, but you may not re-distribute the edits or original files.

Full version:

This license grants you, the downloader, a non-exclusive, worldwide, perpetual, royalty free license to use the audio in an unlimited number of non-commercial projects, subject to the following terms. (‘project’ refers primarily to games, but also any audio-visual or audio-only work that is larger and scope and different in nature from the audio.)

You are only permitted to make use of the audio so long as you adhere to all the enclosed terms. VGBGM is not a party to this license, which is granted by the copyright holder of the downloaded materials directly to you.

You are not permitted to use the audio in any revenue-generating commercial product.

A ‘revenue generating commercial project’ includes, but is not limited to, any product or service which generates money through direct one-time sales, DLC transactions, subscription fees; and free or ‘freemium’ games which generate revenue through advertisements and micro-transactions; even if the project is for a non-profit organization.

You may use the audio in an unlimited number of non-commercial projects. This includes advertisements, trailers, demos and promotional materials for commercial projects you have purchased individual licenses for. This extends to reviewers, “let’s players” streamers or other entertainers presenting the audio within the context of your project, even if their own channel is otherwise monetized. To clarify the streamer can stream a game that uses VGBGM music while retaining the audio; but if a streamer wants to use vgbgm music as background music in their stream they will need to then purchase their own license if their channel has any sort of subscription, advertising or sponsorship revenue.

The original copyright holder retains the copyrights to the audio. You may not claim copyright or trademark on the materials, or register the audio on contentID systems. Your project must include credits or additional documentation that names the copyright holder of the license audio, if that person is listed. You may use their VGBGM username, or their real name or alternate pseudonym if provided. If a composer or producer is not listed for the track (It is an “in-shouse” fully vgbgm-owned track) then you may simply credit vgbgm.

You retain this license even if the item is removed from VGBGM or the copyright holder stops granting further licenses. It’s recommended you keep your own backup copies of the audio in the event this happens.

Soley for use within your project, you may edit, process, or modify the audio. You must still credit the original author or vgbgm.

You may not redistribute the audio in whole or in part outside of your project. You may not distribute ‘soundtrack’ albums containing the audio without express permission of the copyright holder. You may not sample, remix or use the audio for others to use as stock or materials in their own projects. You may not use the audio in a way where the audio itself is the sole or primary value of the product. Though you may allow the end user of a game project to listen to the music through a soundest, “jukebox” or similar feature.

The copyright holder asserts this audio is not registered with any Performing Rights Organization (P.R.O.) but you are responsible for any P.R.O.- related fees or paperwork that may be required in your country; subject to your own local laws and P.R.O rules. (For example, in USA this is generally only applicable for radio and television broadcast use)

The audio is provided AS-IS and without warranty. Neither VGBGM or the audio copyright holder will bear responsibility for any damages to the user’s computer caused by misuse of the product; nor for any disputes between third parties resulting from the creation, distribution and release of any product created with the licensed audio. By using this audio, you accept full terms and take sole responsibility for use of the product. You agree to only use the audio for lawful purposes.

This license is terminated if you breach it’s terms and do not remedy the breach. Upon termination, you must stop using the audio, creating copies or distributing the end product until the audio is removed from it.